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What about Free Will? Reconciling Our Choices with God's Sovereignty

Christensen explains two views that acknowledge God’s sovereignty and its relation to human responsibility: compatibilism and libertarianism. Providing cogent, biblical answers, Chr...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629951867
Direct Price $22.99 $17.50

What Are Election and Predestination?

Election and predestination are the two most maligned points of Reformed theology, with much ink spilled and many sermons preached on these doctrines that many think make humans "robots" ...

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ISBN 9781596380455
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

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What Is a True Calvinist?

This practical introduction to Reformed spirituality demonstrates, in Ryken's words, that "the doctrines of grace help to preserve all that is right and good in the Christian life: humili...

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ISBN 9780875525983
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What Is Grace?

The doctrine of grace is at the heart of the Reformed faith. It is at the center of our best hymns, our truest expositions of Scripture, and our theological systems. Yet, even though it i...

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ISBN 9781596382114
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What Is Hell?

Would a loving God really send good people to hell? What does the Bible actually teach about hell? How should believing in hell affect us? Here Morgan and Peterson set forth a clear bibli...

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ISBN 9781596381995
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What Is Justification by Faith Alone?

Ever since Martin Luther, the famous sixteenth-century Reformer, nailed his ninety-five theses to the castle door of Wittenberg, the doctrine of justification by faith alone has been one ...

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ISBN 9781596380837
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What Is Providence?

Few things distinguish Christian and secular worldviews with greater clarity than the doctrine of providence: that everything that happens is the outcome of the sovereign overruling of Go...

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ISBN 9781596380929
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What Is Regeneration?

Many people believe they can initiate their salvation, either through choosing to believe or on their own merits. Yet the Bible is clear that we can't take even the first step toward reco...

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ISBN 9781596386594
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What Is Resurrection?

Do you long for heaven? Biblical Christianity is not fueled by a vague belief in the afterlife. Just as Christ rose from the dead, all who are united to him in faith will be raised bodily...

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ISBN 9781596389359
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What Is the Incarnation?

Want to make sense of the New Testament? Start with the incarnation—a truth that goes far beyond Christmas. The miracle of Jesus' incarnation touches on deep truths, speaking to the...

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ISBN 9781596388291
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

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