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What about Free Will?

Reconciling Our Choices with God's Sovereignty

Direct Price: $22.99 $17.50
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9781629951867
Publication Date 02/18/16

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Christensen explains two views that acknowledge God’s sovereignty and its relation to human responsibility: compatibilism and libertarianism. Providing cogent, biblical answers, Christensen argues for compatibilism and shows how it makes sense of evil, suffering, prayer, evangelism, and sanctification. You will gain a deeper understanding of both arguments, as well as a greater appreciation for the significant role that choices play in God’s work.


“A clear, intelligent, immensely helpful overview of one of the most confusing conundrums in all of theology. . . . Scott Christensen doesn’t sidestep the hard questions. The answers he gives are thoughtful, biblical, satisfying, and refreshingly coherent. Lay readers and seasoned theologians alike will treasure this work.”

—John F. MacArthur, Grace Community Church

“Careful in description and argument . . . eminently readable. . . . Most important of all, this book breathes a spirit of wonder and gratitude before the face of a God who is not only all-powerful but good.”

—Michael Horton, Westminster Seminary California

“Many think that free will is the silver-bullet answer to some of theology’s most difficult questions. But do we have a free will? Short answer: it depends on what you mean by ‘free.’ Long answer: read this book.”

—Andrew Naselli, Bethlehem College and Seminary


The Author

Scott Christensen

Scott Christensen

Scott Christensen (MDiv, The Master's Seminary) is the author of What about Free Will? He worked for nine years at the award-winning CCY Architects in Aspen, Colorado: several of his home designs were featured in Architectural Digest magazine. Called out of this work to the ministry, he graduated with honors from seminary and now serves as the associate pastor of Kerrville Bible Church in Kerrville, Texas.