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The Mystery of the Trinity A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God

Starting with the doctrine of the Trinity, Vern Poythress addresses six challenges concerning the compatibility of God’s independence with his activities in the world. The eternal ...

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ISBN 9781629956510
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The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit

Our doctrine of the Holy Spirit influences everything else we believe. He is foundational to our understanding of Scripture, theology, history, and practical Christian living. This book ...

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ISBN 9781629955292
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The Nearness of God His Presence with His People

God, for many people, is an abstract figure who set the world running but is now largely absent from it. Even Christians can fall into this trap. Academics spend their time merely talking...

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ISBN 9781596380561
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No Other God A Response to Open Theism

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ISBN 9780875521855
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Only One Way Christian Witness in an Age of Inclusion

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OUR SOCIETY HAS CHANGED. In our increasingly rootless culture, many people prefer questions over answers, hazy spirituality over concrete belief, and pluralism over the ultimate truth. Ev...

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ISBN 9781629953939
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Our Secure Salvation Preservation and Apostasy

Can believers lose their faith? Robert Peterson addresses an age-old question crucial to an insecure modern world. Tracing preservation and apostasy throughout the Bible, he illustrates h...

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ISBN 9781596380431
Price $9.99

Our Sovereign God Knowing and Serving the Lord of All

GOD IS SOVEREIGN OVER ALL. This truth has been especially precious to Christians in times past, and for good reason. When it comes to knowing and serving God, the significance of this doc...

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ISBN 9781629958620
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The Pattern of Sound Doctrine Systematic Theology at the Westminster Seminaries: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Strimple

edited by David VanDrunen

The Westminster seminaries have played a crucial role in the development of systematic theology for the past three-quarters of a century. This four-part volume examines the contributions ...

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ISBN 9780875527178
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Paul Pioneer for Israel's Messiah

This detailed yet eminently readable description of Paul’s life clearly shows that all sources converge to present a pioneer life: adventurous, unpredictable, nonlinear, full of ris...

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ISBN 9780875526485
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Pauline Eschatology

The foreword describes this book as "a classic of unprecedented insight into the structure of Paul's theology." Vos's basic thesis is that to unfold Paul's eschatology is to set forth his...

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ISBN 9780875525051
Direct Price $24.99 $18.50

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