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John Frame's Selected Shorter Writings, Volume 3

John Frame’s Selected Shorter Writings, Volume 3 includes more than thirty short, pointed essays, sermons, and addresses that summarize some of John Frame’s central (and somet...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629951898
Direct Price $22.99 $17.00

Journeys with Jesus Every Path in the Bible Leads Us to Christ

This is an abridged edition of Walking with Jesus through His Word (P&R, 2015).  The Bible’s sixty-six books form one overarching story—the story of a Hero ...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629955384
Direct Price $24.99 $19.00

Judaic Baptism An Inquiry into the Meaning of the Word as Determined by the Usage of Jewish and Patristic Writers

An academic inquiry into the meaning of 'baptizo' in Jewish and patristic writers. Endorsements "Recently, Dr. Countess presented a lecture to our theology stidents on Dale's Magnum Opus....

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875522319
Availability: 31 in stock
Direct Price $19.99 $15.00

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Justification Understanding the Classic Reformed Doctrine

J. V. Fesko provides us with a comprehensive restatement of the classic Reformed doctrine of justification by faith alone. He explains the doctrine in terms of the ordo and historia salut...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781596380868
Direct Price $32.99 $24.99

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Justification & the New Perspectives on Paul A review and Response

Have evangelicals misunderstood Paul? Was the Reformation doctrine of justification a mistake? The New Perspective on Paul has serious implications for that pivotal doctrine of the gospel...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9780875526492
Direct Price $24.99 $18.50

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Justification by Grace through Faith Finding Freedom from Legalism, Lawlessness, Pride, and Despair

This book is only available via print on demand. A minimum order of 5 copies is required. To place an order, please email or call 1-800-631-009...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781596380509
Availability: Out of stock
Price $21.99

Kingdoms Apart Engaging the Two Kingdoms Perspective

The subject of Christ and culture has occupied the church since its inception. Some emphasize the reality of redemption and the imperative of cultural transformation; others criticize thi...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596384354
Direct Price $24.99 $18.50

Knowing and the Trinity How Perspectives in Human Knowledge Imitate the Trinity

Every human being has a distinct perspective and experiences truth from this viewpoint. If God exists in three persons, as the Bible teaches, is it possible to discern epistemological per...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629953199
Direct Price $29.99 $22.50

The Law Is Not of Faith Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant

Is the Mosaic covenant a 'republication' of the the key Reformation doctrine of the covenant of works? Inability to obey the law has implications for the doctrines of grace and justificat...

Format eBook
ISBN 9781596381001
Direct Price $24.99 $18.50

The Life and Work of Jesus

Many of us know a lot about Jesus’s earthly life—but we don’t often stop to think about the things he said and did beforehand, the things he’s saying and doing no...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629955261
Direct Price $17.99 $13.50