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Against the Tide The Valor of Margaret Wilson

Seventeenth-century Scotland is a place of cruel intolerance for the Covenanters, a people bound together by their loyal faith. A young, earnest Covenanter, Margaret Wilson finds her pled...

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ISBN 9781596380615
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La ansiedad En busca de una mejor historia

Available for preorder from: Amazon Christianbook Cuando era adolescente, Liz se sentía abrumada por la ansiedad. Ahora que es consejera de salud mental, quiere transmitir lo q...

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ISBN 9798887791180
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Anxiety Finding the Better Story

As a teenager, Liz felt overwhelmed by anxiety. Now she wants to pass on what she learned in her struggle. With daily Scripture readings, breathing exercises, and additional counseling re...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629959139
Direct Price $12.99 $10.00

Bible Study A Student's Guide

Have you ever been to a “Bible study” that didn’t have much “Bible” or “study” at all? Without a proper understanding of how to do it, students c...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596386372
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Body Image Valuing God's Good Gift

Available for preorder from: Amazon Christianbook In this imperfect world, even good gifts—like your body!—come with major challenges. Over 31 days, learn how to pursue an...

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ISBN 9798887790770
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A Cup of Cold Water The Compassion of Nurse Edith Cavell

20th-Century Belgium, World War I. "The secret password is yorc," the princess whispered. Edith longed for her girlhood in England, when her secrets had been kept safe by her dog Red...

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ISBN 9781596380264
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The Doctrines of Grace Student Edition

A guide for young teens explaining in twelve lessons the biblical and historical basis of TULIP (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseveran...

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ISBN 9781596387409
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Dr. Oma The Healing Wisdom of Countess Juliana Von Stolberg

Juliana von Stolberg (1506 – 1580), the Queen Mother of the Netherlands, is cherished by the Dutch people as a wise and gifted healer. Juliana gains an able apprentice when her gran...

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ISBN 9780875526416
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Giving Up Gimmicks Reclaiming Youth Ministry from an Entertainment Culture

The lights dim . . . the smoke rises . . . the band starts playing. It's a familiar scene, as youth ministries everywhere use entertaining and trendy approaches to draw in teens. But when...

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ISBN 9781596383944
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Growing Up Christian

Study Guide Many teens are active in church youth programs, yet drop out of church later in life and never return. Other young adults rest on the merits of their parents' faith without ev...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9780875526119
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