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Life Everlasting The Unfolding Story of Heaven

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ISBN 9781596381650
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Lifted Experiencing the Resurrection Life

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ISBN 9781596384316
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The Lord's Supper Eternal Word in Broken Bread

A call to a renewed hunger and thirst for the Lord's Supper, this book unfolds a historic Reformed understanding in contrast to other views. Building on careful biblical analysis, Robert ...

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ISBN 9780875522029
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Making Sense of Man Using Biblical Perspectives to Develop a Theology of Humanity

Making Sense of Man uses multiple biblical perspectives to address the origin of humanity, the image of God, body and soul, the creational covenant, free agency, human sexuality, and...

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ISBN 9798887790381
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Making Sense of the World How the Trinity Helps to Explain Reality

Herman Bavinck taught that the “Trinity is wholly unlike anything else, but everything in the world is like the Trinity.” In this book, Vern Poythress uses a theological explo...

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ISBN 9798887790220
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Marks of Saving Grace Theological Method and the Doctrine of Assurance in Jonathan Edwards's A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections

Eric Lehner examines Edwards’s use of philosophical, historical, and biblical sources in Religious Affections and demonstrates that Edwards’s theology in this key work is gove...

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ISBN 9781629952680
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Meaning and Mode of Baptism

Explores the pros and cons of immersion and timing of baptism from a biblical standpoint.

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ISBN 9780875520438
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Mere Calvinism

WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CALVINISM?  There are so many misconceptions about Calvinism that it is safe to say that even most Christians do not truly know what it teaches. You may have g...

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ISBN 9781629956145
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ISBN 9780875521138
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Price $29.99

The Modern Search for the Real Jesus An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospel Criticism

Critical scholars have increasingly questioned the reliability of the Gospels, voicing doubts as to what, if anything, we can know about the historical Jesus. But are the critics as objec...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9780875524559
Direct Price $16.99 $13.00