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Biblical Reference

1 & 2 Thessalonians

Years before writing Romans or Ephesians, Paul sent a pair of letters to a new church in Thessalonica. Three concerns governed Paul’s teaching in these letters: What makes a healthy...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781596389779
Direct Price $39.99 $29.99

1 Kings

Dynasties, fractured kingdoms, prophecies of coming hardships—the book of 1 Kings is a grand, sweeping narrative of the beginning of the downfall of God’s people. Its size and...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781596382084
Direct Price $45.99 $34.50

1 Kings The Rise and Decline of David's House, A 13-Week Study

The downfall of God’s Old Testament people begins in 1 Kings, yet this study draws out the hope of the gospel for people caught up in idolatry and political turmoil. This Reformed E...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9798887790046
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00

1 Peter

Many Christians around the world today face severe persecution, while others daily feel the weight of cultural pressure against them. The apostle Peter speaks to this as he reminds us tha...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781596384699
Direct Price $29.99 $22.50

1 Peter Grace-Driven Discipleship in a Difficult Age, A 13-Lesson Study

Christians are aliens and exiles in an often hostile world—and yet the work of Christ enables us to live lives that are marked by hope, joy, courage, and faithfulness. This Reformed...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629957104
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00

1 Samuel

David is more than a great hero, a man of faith, and a model for Christians to follow. He is one of the most important Old Testament types of Jesus Christ. It is as an anointed one—...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781596381971
Direct Price $39.99 $30.00

1 Samuel A King after God's Own Heart, A 13-Lesson Study

First Samuel is a riveting read that introduces us to some of the most memorable figures in the Old Testament. The greatest of its heroes is David, a mighty man of faith who makes his dis...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629958385
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00

1 Timothy

From worship and prayer to family and the use of money, the book of 1 Timothy is full of implications for life in the local church. But beyond these practical truths for all believers, Ry...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781596380493
Direct Price $34.99 $26.50

1 Timothy Defend the Faith, A 13-Lesson Study

Paul’s first pastoral letter to Timothy is full of profound teaching about the attributes and activities of God—and holds many implications for life and worship in the local ...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629957074
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00

1-3 John

How can we know that we possess eternal life? The apostle John answered that question in the three epistles that bear his name. He wrote that we must firstly believe that Jesus is the Son...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781596389878
Direct Price $34.99 $26.50