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Making Sense of Man

Using Biblical Perspectives to Develop a Theology of Humanity

Direct Price: $49.99 $37.99
Format: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 784
ISBN: 9798887790381
Publication Date 11/13/24

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Series » Making Sense


Making Sense of Man uses multiple biblical perspectives to address the origin of humanity, the image of God, body and soul, the creational covenant, free agency, human sexuality, and other truths about humanity. The purpose is to display the richness of truth and its harmony—such as the harmony between free agency and divine sovereignty.


“I find this the most stimulating and incisive contribution that Poythress has made. Even where I might disagree with him, there is much that informs and challenges. Poythress’s expertise in science and mathematics, combined with his vast knowledge, theological acumen, and linguistic and exegetical skill, makes this a book that cannot be missed.”

—Robert Letham, Senior Research Fellow, Union School of Theology; Associate Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Senior Fellow, Newton House, Oxford; Fellow in History and Theology, Greystone Theological Institute, Pittsburgh

“Vern Poythress is one of the most important theological voices of our time, and in this book, Dr. Poythress confronts one of the great intellectual and apologetic challenges of our age—the development of a faithful theology of humanity. The apocalyptic warnings of the twentieth century have turned into the very real threats to human dignity that we face in our own times. Christians need the conviction and scholarship that Dr. Poythress brings to this book. One of the most important aspects of this volume is the author’s willingness to take on so many of the most vexing questions of our age, and to respond very clearly with biblical truth.”

—R. Albert Mohler Jr., President and Centennial Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“The biblical and Christian theology of humanity has become a focal point of controversy in the academy and the public square in recent decades. Questions of human identity, sexuality, and purpose are often disputed, but biblical understanding and wisdom regarding them are increasingly rare. Within this setting, Poythress’s latest book is a timely and welcome contribution. Poyth-ress provides a comprehensive, provocative exposition of a rich diversity of biblical themes concerning the nature and destiny of humanity within the triune God’s purposes in creation and redemption. Throughout the book, Poythress exhibits a rare combination of careful exegesis, methodological transparency, philosophical acumen, and pastoral sensitivity. His treatment of two important topics, the image of God and human freedom, offer especially constructive contributions to long-standing debates.”

—Cornelis P. Venema, President, Professor of Doctrinal Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary

“Among in-depth treatments of biblical anthropology, this volume makes a fresh and impressive contribution by utilizing a lex Christi framework—the Ten Commandments with their implications, positive as well as negative, taken as providing a comprehensive grid of perspectives for exploring the truth of Scripture on a given topic. One need not be fully conversant with this framework to benefit from the fruitful way in which Dr. Poythress considers multiple issues such as the image of God, body and soul, the intermediate state, sexuality, and total inability, to mention just several. While the approach of the book as a whole is novel, it is knowledgeable about, interacts with, and often builds on past treatments. In its deepest concern to be true to the teaching of Scripture, it is consciously and appreciatively tethered throughout to the Westminster Standards’ relevance for today. All told, readers will find that the book’s contents make good on the promise implicit in its title.”

—Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary

“Building on a remarkable pyramid of his own publications, Dr. Poythress brings to the reader the wisdom of decades of studies across a wide range of issues related to Christian anthropology. Few deny that the great questions for most people today are ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What does it mean to be human?’ Poythress makes no apologies for placing the Bible and the triune God as central and essential in this full-sweeping panorama of Making Sense of Man. Sometimes accessible and stimulatingly simple, Dr. Poythress’s book at other times takes us deep, weighing complex issues and challenging us with concepts such as lex Christi. With its related theologies of theology proper, hamartiology, and soteriology, the work stands as a majestic, in-depth exposition of the Christian doctrine of humanity—this for Reformed and non-Reformed alike.”

—J. Scott Horrell, Senior Professor Emeritus of Theological Studies, Adjunct, Dallas Theological Seminary

“If an edifying, helpful overview on the human person in biblical perspective could be written in our day with both vigor and charity, with both courage and circumspection, Vern Poythress would be the one to write it. And so he has. Man does require a ‘making sense of ’ today, and Poythress has led us back to the inscripturated revelation of man’s Maker, where true sense-making must begin. In doing so, Poythress has not pretended to say the last word on anything (and others should be read alongside and after reading this work). But he has reminded us of the first words that must be said, to the end that a properly Christian theological vision of humanity would arise and blossom from the good soil of what God has said concerning us.”

—Mark A. Garcia, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary; President and Fellow in Scripture & Theology, Greystone Theological Institute, Pittsburgh


The Author

Vern S. Poythress

Vern S. Poythress

Vern S. Poythress (MLitt, University of Cambridge; PhD, Harvard University; DTh, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) is distinguished professor of New Testament, biblical interpretation, and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He has authored books on a wide range of topics; his works include Symphonic TheologyTheophany, and The Mystery of the Trinity.