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Resurrection and Redemption A study in Paul's Soteriology

A study of the structure of Paul's theology of Jesus' resurrection as that doctrine forms the center of Paul's total theology. Endorsements "A seminal study in Pauline theology . . . inst...

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ISBN 9780875522715
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The Returning King A Guide to the Book of Revelation

Study Guide to the Book of Revelation Noted New Testament scholar Poythress provides an understandable and practical look into Revelation in this insightful commentary. Poythress focuses ...

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ISBN 9780875524627
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Study Guide to the Book of Revelation The book of Revelation is a riveting read—but a persistent question Christians have is, “What does it mean?” Pastor-theologian Rich...

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ISBN 9781629952390
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The Revolt A Novel in Wycliffe's England

As a secretary at the battle of Crécy, Hugh West’all has come close to death many times in his short career. But when he leaves the war behind to enter the stone halls of Oxf...

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ISBN 9781596387379
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Revolutions in Worldview Understanding the Flow of Western Thought

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ISBN 9780875525730
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Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins (1941– ) Richard Dawkins, a leader in the New Atheism movement and bestselling author, is one of the foremost proponents of a gene-centered approach to evolutionar...

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ISBN 9781629952215
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Right in Their Own Eyes The Gospel According to Judges

In Judges, God forges a community of worshippers when people “did what was right in their own eyes"—much like our situation today. Learn how a wayward people can still accompl...

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ISBN 9781596382107
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Right Reason and the Princeton Mind An Unorthodox Proposal

According to the “orthodox” consensus, the Presbyterian professors at Old Princeton Seminary (1812–1929), influenced by Common Sense Realism and Baconianism, betrayed tr...

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ISBN 9781596381438
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Risk The Quest for Truth, Book 2

“Oliver, Oliver. . . . Come in, Oliver!” Risk it all! Join Oliver and the Wikk kids as they land the Pheonix on planet Evad and descend into its ancient jungle. Explore the ru...

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ISBN 9781596382466
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Robinson Crusoe

For more than 270 years, readers everywhere have been fascinated by the young fool who ran away from wealth, security, and family for a rough life at sea—and came to his senses too ...

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ISBN 9780875527352
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