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Authors » Edward T. Welch

Edward T. Welch is a counselor and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). He is author of a number of books, including When People Are Big and God Is Small and Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave.

<a href="/authors">Authors</a> » Edward T. Welch

ADD Wandering Minds and Wired Bodies

Easy distractibility or forgetfulness. Mouths, arms, hands, and legs that run ahead of thinking. Impulsive decisions, chronic difficulties meeting deadlines, mistaken notions of one&rsquo...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9780875526768
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Depression The Way Up When You Are Down

Lost ambition. Emotional numbness. Fear and withdrawal. Fatigue. Marks of what is commonly called depression. If you are one of the many people suffering from depression, there is hope an...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9780875526829
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Homosexuality Speaking the Truth in Love

"Homosexuality is the hot issue of the day," says Edward T. Welch in this booklet. "Even more than abortion, it will confront the church throughout this generation, forcing us to listen, ...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9780875526836
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Motives Why Do I Do the Things I Do?

People are complex. There is behavior that we see and motives that we don’t. Behind the “what we do” of our lives is the “why we do it.” Edward T. Welch chal...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875526928
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel

Addiction is a worship disorder. Will we worship ourselves and our own desires, or will we worship the true God? Scripture reveals addicts' true condition: like guests at a banquet thrown...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875526065
Direct Price $17.99 $13.50

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Self-Injury When Pain Feels Good

If you have ever purposely injured yourself, it may seem normal, even right. But if you haven't, it seems impossible to understand those who have. After all, don't living creatures a...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9780875526973
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Just One More When Desires Don't Take No for an Answer

I hate it. I love it. Sometimes our desires can be cruel lovers. We think we should be rid of a particular desire, but we feel stuck. "What's the use in trying to rid my life of this desi...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9780875526898
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Resources for Changing Lives 32 Book Set

Resources for Changing Lives provide book- and booklet-length counsel and guidance from a biblical perspective. Counselors including David Powlison, Paul David Tripp, and Ed Welch get to ...

Format Paperback
Direct Price $191.68 $144.00

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When People Are Big and God Is Small, Second Edition Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependency, and the Fear of Man

Do you crave people’s love and approval? Do you dread their rejection or mistreatment? Although we don’t always realize it, many of our lives—and identities—are da...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781629958071
Direct Price $19.99 $15.00

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Depression Finding Christ in the Darkness

The gospel is for those who have nothing, for those who are weary and bowed down. Jesus is near to you, and he asks you to bring him nothing but your failures, sins, and emptiness of soul...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629959641
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00