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Saint, Phil

Phil Saint graduated with a BS degree in anthropology, with high honors, from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. He was the author of five books written in Spanish, two books written in Portuguese, and three books written in English. Phil Saint spent over fifty years in evangelistic and Bible-teaching ministries. Thirty of these years were spent in Argentina as a missionary. His ministry took him to Japan, the Caribbean area, and South America as he appeared on television and held evangelistic campaigns. He remains well known for his paintings and illustrations.

Sanderson, John W.

Dr. John Sanderson is well known as a remarkably gifted teacher of biblical truth. In addition to ministering in two pastorates, he has served on the faculties of Covenant College, Faith Theological Seminary, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Covenant Theological Seminary.

Satrom, Hayley

Hayley Satrom (MA, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is codirector of the private counseling practice Heart Song Counseling and a biblical counselor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC.

Savage, Greg

Greg Savage (MDiv, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the associate pastor of Reynoldsburg Baptist Church in Reynoldsburg, Ohio.

Scharf, Greg R.

Greg R. Scharf (DMin, MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is chair of the pastoral theology department and professor of homiletics at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He is a past president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society and was previously pastor to three congregations in three countries.

Schenck, Lewis Bevens

Lewis Bevens Schenck (1898–1985) was J. W. Cannon Professor of Bible and Religion at Davidson College, where he taught for thirty-nine years. He earned a ThM degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a PhD from Yale. 

Schlegel, Zach

Zach Schlegel is senior pastor of First Baptist Church Upper Marlboro in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Schwab, George M.

George M. Schwab (MDiv, PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is associate professor of Old Testament at Erskine Seminary. He is also a teaching elder and a trained biblical counselor. Dr. Schwab has written numerous articles in Old Testament studies and is a contributor to the Expositor Bible Commentary series.

Schwenk, James L.

James L. Schwenk (MDiv, Evangelical Seminary; M.Phil. and Ph.D., Drew University) is the lead pastor of Gingrichs Mennonite Church in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. He has taught the history of Christianity at numerous schools, most recently at Evangelical Seminary in Myerstown, Pennsylvania, and Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. His research interests include J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and Doctor Who.

Scott, Stuart W.

Stuart Scott (MDiv, Grace Theological Seminary; DMin, Covenant Theological Seminary) is a fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, the director of biblical counseling at Bob Jones University and Seminary, and an author and speaker. Previously he was a professor of biblical counseling at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Selvaggio, Anthony T.

Anthony T. Selvaggio (JD, The University of Buffalo School of Law; MDiv, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary) is an ordained minister, a lawyer, an author, a lecturer, and a visiting professor at Ottawa Theological Hall in Ottawa, Canada. Previously he was a visiting professor at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh and was Theologian in Residence at the Rochester Reformed Presbyterian Church. He edited and contributed to The Faith Once Delivered: Essays in Honor of Dr. Wayne R. Spear. He lives in Rochester, New York, with his wife, Michelle, and their two children, Katherine and James.

Shedd, William G.T.

William G. T. Shedd (1820–1894) was a professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York for twenty-eight years. An eminent theologian of his era, he wrote both doctrinal and pastoral works.

Shepard, Valerie Elliot

Speaker and author Valerie Elliot Shepard was born in Ecuador in 1955. The only daughter of martyred missionary Jim Elliot and missionary and author Elisabeth Elliot, she spent her early years living in the Amazon jungle with the Quichua and Waorani people. Valerie returned to the United States in 1963 and now lives in Long Beach, Mississippi, with her husband, Walter, a retired Presbyterian minister. They have eight children and eleven grandchildren.

Shepherd, Norman

Norman Shepherd taught systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary from 1963 to 1981, and then served two pastorates in the Christian Reformed Church before retiring in 1998.

Shorey, Timothy M.

Timothy M. Shorey has been a pastor since 1982. He currently leads Risen Hope Church, a multiethnic congregation in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and is the author of Worship Worthy and 30/30 Hindsight: 30 Reflections on a 30-Year Headache. He and Gayline have six children and numerous grandchildren.

Sinkinson, Chris

Chris Sinkinson (MA, PhD, Bristol University) is a lecturer in Old Testament and apologetics at Moorlands College in Christchurch, England. Once employed as an archeologist, he also serves as a pastor and has been involved in Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF).

Smalley, Paul M.

Paul M. Smalley is a teaching assistant to Dr. Beeke at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and a bivocational pastor at Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Smallman, Stephen

Stephen Smallman served for over forty years in pastoral ministry before becoming an urban missionary with CityNet Ministries. He was the author of a number of books and booklets on discipleship topics, including The Walk and Understanding the Faith.

Smith, D. Blair

D. Blair Smith (ThM, Harvard Divinity School; PhD, Durham University) is the associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and serves as the adult education coordinator at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina.

Smith, Esther

Esther Smith (MA in Counseling, Liberty University; Certificate from Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) is a licensed counselor who specializes in helping people who experience trauma, anxiety, and physical illness. She is the author of A Still and Quiet Mind and Chronic Illness (31-Day Devotionals for Life) and coauthor of The Whole Life.

Smith, Gary Scott

Gary Scott Smith (MDiv, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University) is chair and professor of history at Grove City College in Pennsylvania.

Smith, Joseph W., III

Joseph W. Smith III has been a high school English teacher in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for over twenty years. Before that he worked at Simon & Schuster and has written over a thousand articles for the Williamsport Sun-Gazette (including hundreds of movie reviews). Joe has also written a comprehensive guide to Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and plays trumpet in the Repasz Band.

Smith, Justin

Justin Smith (MDiv, Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary, Certificates from Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) and his wife have worked overseas for over twenty years. He helped to found an international church and is involved in training future ministry leaders. Together, he and his wife enjoy mentoring others in international work. Justin is the author of Together for Good: A Couple’s Guide to Thriving in Christian Ministry.

Smith, Morton H.

Morton H. Smith (MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary; ThD, Free University of Amsterdam), the first stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), was a founding professor both at Reformed Theological Seminary, where he taught systematic theology from 1964 until 1979, and at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, where he was academic dean.

Smith, Warren Cole

Warren Cole Smith is vice president of WORLD News Group, the publisher of WORLD magazine and WORLD News Service. He has written, cowritten, or edited more than a dozen books on politics, religion, media, and culture.

Smith, William P.

William P. Smith is a pastor, author, and retreat speaker who has served several churches, been a faculty member of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, and taught practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is the author of Parenting with Words of Grace, Loving Well (Even If You Haven't Been), and numerous other books and booklets.

Smuts, P.W.

P. W. Smuts (PhD) teaches hermeneutics, homiletics, and biblical Greek at the Bible Institute of South Africa near Cape Town.

Spiegel, James S.

James S. Spiegel (MA, University of Southern Mississippi; PhD, Michigan State University) is professor of philosophy and religion at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

Sproul, R.C.

R.C. Sproul (1939–2017) was the founder of Ligonier Ministries, general editor of the Reformation Study Bible, and executive editor of Tabletalk magazine. A prolific author, he wrote more than a hundred books, including The Holiness of God, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone, Chosen by God, What Is Reformed Theology?, The Glory of Christ, The Mystery of the Holy Spirit, and Getting the Gospel Right. Dr. Sproul was professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale until 2004 and, before that, taught at Reformed Theological Seminary. He served as first minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, Sanford, Florida, taught on the national daily radio program Renewing Your Mind, and was the first president of Reformation Bible College.

Sproul, R.C., Jr.

R. C. Sproul Jr. (MA, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando; DMin, Whitefield Theological Seminary) is a pastor at St. Peter Presbyterian Church, Bristol, Tennessee, and director of the Highlands Study Center, Meadowview, Virginia. He is also editor-in-chief of Every Thought Captive. Sproul has authored several books including Tearing Down Strongholds, Almighty Over AllPlaying God, and Eternity in Our Hearts. He also writes a regular column for Homeschooling Today magazine. R. C. and his wife, Denise, have six children.

Spyri, Johanna

Johanna Spyri (1827–1901) was an author of children's stories and is best known for her book Heidi. Born Johanna Louise Heusser in the rural area of Hirzel, Switzerland, as a child she spent several summers in the area around Chur in Graubünden, the setting she later would use in her novels.

Steele, David N.

David N. Steele (1926-1991) served as a pastor of several Baptist churches in Arkansas until his retirement in 1978. He coauthored Romans: An Interpretive Outline.

Steele, Timothy H.

Timothy H. Steele (MM, Temple University; PhD, University of Chicago) is associate professor of music and chair of the music department at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he has taught since 2007.

Steward, Gary

Gary Steward (BA, South Dakota State University; Cert., The Bethlehem Institute; MDiv, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary) is an adjunct faculty member at California Baptist University in Riverside, California, and at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He served as pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, from 2004 to 2011, and is currently pursuing a PhD in church history and historical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

Stivason, Jeffrey A.

Jeffrey A. Stivason (M.Div., Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary; S.T.M., Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary) is the pastor of Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, and a contributor to the forthcoming Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia (Eerdmans). 

Stoddard, Jonathan

Jonathan Stoddard is pastor at Jordan Presbyterian Church in Utah. He received his BA in Information and Computer Science from Covenant College and his MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary.

Strachan, Owen

Owen Strachan (MDiv, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is provost and research professor of theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. He is the former president of the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, the former director of The Center for Public Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a senior fellow of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council. He has authored books on a wide range of topics; his works include Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of MankindThe Pastor as Public Theologian: Reclaiming a Lost Vision (coauthored with Kevin J. Vanhoozer), and The Essential Jonathan Edwards: An Introduction to the Life and Teaching of America's Greatest Theologian (coauthored with Douglas Allen Sweeney). He is married and the father of three children.

Strain, David

David Strain (DMin, Reformed Theological Seminary) is senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Mississippi.

Strange, Alan D.

Alan D. Strange (MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary; MA, College of William and Mary; PhD, University of Wales) is professor of church history at Mid-America Reformed Seminary and associate pastor at New Covenant Community Church (OPC) in Joliet in Illinois. He has written for and serves as a contributing editor to The Confessional Presbyterian.

Street, John D.

John D. Street (MDiv, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary; DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is chair of the graduate program in biblical counseling at The Master’s University and Seminary and president of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors’ board of trustees.

Strickland, Darby

Darby Strickland counsels and teaches at the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation in Glenside, Pennsylvania. She is the author of a number of works on abuse, trauma, and related topics.

Strimple, Robert B.

Robert B. Strimple (BD, ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD University of Toronto) is president emeritus and professor emeritus of systematic theology at Westminster Seminary California. He is coauthor of Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond and a contributor to several other theological works

Strom, Mark

Mark Strom (ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Western Sydney) is director of Interpretive Consulting Ltd. in Australia. He has also written Reframing Paul.

Stuart, Robert D.

Robert Stuart (MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary; DMin, Reformed Theological Seminary; JD, The Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary) was pastor of shepherding and leadership at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri, and the president of Proclamation Ministries, Inc., an organization that helps churches to rejuvenate ministries and revitalize leadership.

Swavely, David

Dave Swavely is the planter of three churches and the founder of The Way With Words nonprofit ministry. He is the coauthor of Life in the Father’s House: A Member’s Guide to the Local Church (with Wayne Mack) and From Embers to a Flame: How God Can Revitalize Your Church (with Harry Reeder) and is the sole author of Decisions Decisions, Who Are You to Judge?, and Unto Others: Rediscovering the Golden Rule, as well as many fiction titles. See more at

Swett, Jenilyn

Jenilyn Swett (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary) is the director of adult ministries at Restoration Community Church (PCA) in St. Louis, Missouri.