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Smith, Joseph W., III

Joseph W. Smith III has been a high school English teacher in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for over twenty years. Before that he worked at Simon & Schuster and has written over a thousand articles for the Williamsport Sun-Gazette (including hundreds of movie reviews). Joe has also written a comprehensive guide to Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and plays trumpet in the Repasz Band.

Smith, Justin

Justin Smith (MDiv, Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary, Certificates from Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) and his wife have worked overseas for over twenty years. He helped to found an international church and is involved in training future ministry leaders. Together, he and his wife enjoy mentoring others in international work. Justin is the author of Together for Good: A Couple’s Guide to Thriving in Christian Ministry.

Smith, Morton H.

Morton H. Smith (MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary; ThD, Free University of Amsterdam), the first stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), was a founding professor both at Reformed Theological Seminary, where he taught systematic theology from 1964 until 1979, and at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, where he was academic dean.

Smith, Warren Cole

Warren Cole Smith is vice president of WORLD News Group, the publisher of WORLD magazine and WORLD News Service. He has written, cowritten, or edited more than a dozen books on politics, religion, media, and culture.

Smith, William P.

William P. Smith is a pastor, author, and retreat speaker who has served several churches, been a faculty member of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, and taught practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is the author of Parenting with Words of Grace, Loving Well (Even If You Haven't Been), and numerous other books and booklets.

Smuts, P.W.

P. W. Smuts (PhD) teaches hermeneutics, homiletics, and biblical Greek at the Bible Institute of South Africa near Cape Town.