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Christic Baptism and Patristic Baptism An Inquiry into the Meaning of the Word as Determined by the Usage of the Holy Scriptures and Patristic Writings

An inquiry into the meaning of 'baptizo' in the holy Scriptures and patristic writings. Endorsements "It is difficult to imagine anyone writing five volumes on any pair of words found in ...

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ISBN 9780875522340
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Chronic Illness Walking by Faith

Is chronic illness taking over your heart as much as your body? Physical symptoms and limitations change all aspects of life, leading to losses and to unique challenges that are difficult...

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ISBN 9781629956886
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Church Membership

We’re all looking for somewhere to belong—but we won’t find true belonging anywhere in this world outside God’s church. Reformed traditions emphasize church member...

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ISBN 9798887790404
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Church Revitalization from the Inside Out

Is your church suffering, and you’re not sure why? Church planter and professional interim pastor R. D. Stuart encourages church leaders to examine the different ways that they them...

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ISBN 9781596388734
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The Church One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

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ISBN 9780875526140
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Colossians and Philemon Continue to Live in Him

This Bible Study has 10 Lessons Proven resources for deeper exploration of Scripture, Living Word Bible Studies provide effective guidance for groups and individuals alike. Each lesson in...

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ISBN 9781629955810
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Colossians & Philemon

Caught between Jewish legalism and pagan mystery religions—and evidently attracted to both—the young church in Colossae was struggling. The apostle Paul’s urgent letter ...

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Come Back, Barbara, Third Edition A Father's Pursuit of a Prodigal Daughter

Take heart! God’s grace is for prodigal children (and parents too). When eighteen-year-old Barbara rejects her parents’ Christianity, God’s grace pursues all three&mdash...

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ISBN 9781629959023
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Come, Let Us Reason Together The Unity of Jews and Gentiles in the Church

People from a Jewish background face difficult choices when they come to trust in Jesus. To be Jewish, maintains Baruch Maoz, is a blessing from God. But how should Jewish Christians wors...

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ISBN 9781596384064
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Come to the Waters, Paperback Edition Daily Bible Devotions for Spiritual Refreshment

“Study of the Bible must be the consuming passion of a believer’s life.” So said James Montgomery Boice—and he practiced what he preached. Throughout the deca...

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ISBN 9798887790954
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