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Christic Baptism and Patristic Baptism

An Inquiry into the Meaning of the Word as Determined by the Usage of the Holy Scriptures and Patristic Writings

Direct Price: $19.99 $8.00
Format: Paperback
Availability: 22 in stock
Pages: 672
ISBN: 9780875522340
Publication Date 02/01/95

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An inquiry into the meaning of 'baptizo' in the holy Scriptures and patristic writings.


"It is difficult to imagine anyone writing five volumes on any pair of words found in any language. Dale not only did this for bapto/baptizo; he even treats the corresponding Latin, Hebrew, German and English terms."

Cleon Rogers


The Authors

Lewis Bevens Schenck

Lewis Bevens Schenck

Lewis Bevens Schenck (1898–1985) was J. W. Cannon Professor of Bible and Religion at Davidson College, where he taught for thirty-nine years. He earned a ThM degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a PhD from Yale.