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Theology in Three Dimensions

Theology in Three Dimensions A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance

Because God created all things with coherent unity, everything can be understood from the perspective of everything else. We experience the world in the context of our own bodies, but eve...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629953229
Super Bargain Price $12.99 $3.00
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Theophany A Biblical Theology of God's Appearing

Each time God appears to his people throughout the Bible—in the form of a thunderstorm, a man, a warrior, a chariot, and so on—he comes to a specific person for a specific pur...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629955285
Direct Price $29.99 $22.50


Theophany A Biblical Theology of God's Appearing

Each time God appears to his people throughout the Bible—in the form of a thunderstorm, a man, a warrior, a chariot, and so on—he comes to a specific person for a specific pur...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629955285
Super Bargain Price $29.99 $7.50
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Thinking through Creation Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique

Reading Genesis 1 and 2, we are tempted to see only problems to solve. Yet these two chapters burst with glorious truths about God, our world, and ourselves. In fact, their foundational d...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629953014
Direct Price $17.99 $13.50

Thinking through Creation

Thinking through Creation Genesis 1 and 2 as Tools of Cultural Critique

Reading Genesis 1 and 2, we are tempted to see only problems to solve. Yet these two chapters burst with glorious truths about God, our world, and ourselves. In fact, their foundational d...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629953014
Super Bargain Price $17.99 $4.00
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This Is Love Tracing The Love of God throughout the Biblical Story

Many people search all their lives for true love. But before we can find that real, transforming love we all long for and were created by God to need, we must first understand what true l...

Format eBook
ISBN 9781596383821
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas (1224?–1274) “The prince and master of all Scholastic doctors,” Thomas Aquinas has profoundly impacted thinkers both inside and outside the Roman Catholic...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629951416
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas (1224?–1274) “The prince and master of all Scholastic doctors,” Thomas Aquinas has profoundly impacted thinkers both inside and outside the Roman Catholic...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629951416
Super Bargain Price $14.99 $3.00
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Thomas Manton A Guided Tour of the Life and Thought of a Puritan Pastor

Thomas Manton (1620–77) was an influential Puritan preacher and an important figure in English Society. This book has two aims, to introduce readers in an engaging manner to Manton ...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596382138
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Toxic Relationships Taking Refuge in Christ

Satisfying, loving relationships are a gift from God. But what starts out pleasant becomes a prison if we grow dependent on someone else’s affection, opinions, a...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629957340
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00