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Titles beginning with "R"

Redeeming Pop Culture A Kingdom Approach

Pop culture surrounds us daily—its music, movies, fashions, fads, literature, lingo, and icons. “Is it legitimate for evangelical Christians to find pleasure in popular cultur...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875525761
Direct Price $11.99 $4.80

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Redeeming Sex in Marriage How the Gospel Rescues Sex, Transforms Marriage, and Reveals the Glory of God

Discover the God-given nature of your sexuality and the magnitude of Christ’s power to redeem it in this honest, winsome resource for married couples. Biblical counselor and pastor ...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629959573
Direct Price $18.99 $14.50

Redemptive History & Biblical Interpretation The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos

Emphasizing the historical character of biblical revelation, Vos was able to clarify the pervasive meaning of Scripture by bringing into view its basic structure. Far from an array of iso...

Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780875525136
Direct Price $39.99 $25.50

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Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures

“Any scientific investigator of Scripture repeatedly confronts the issue of the character of the Bible’s authority,” writes Herman Ridderbos in the opening lines of this...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9780875524160
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Reformation Sketches Insights into Luther, Calvin, and the Confession

“The sketches in this book strive to show that the Reformation remains vitally important for Christians today,” writes W. Robert Godfrey. “Reformers and preachers of the...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875525785
Direct Price $17.99 $13.50

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Reformed Confessionalism

Available for preorder from: Amazon Christianbook Reformed churches describe themselves as confessional—but what does that mean, and what does it matter? Blair Smith answers bot...

Format Hardcover
ISBN 9798887790268
Direct Price $15.99 $12.00

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination

One of the most thorough and convincing statements on predestination to have appeared in any language. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination has been regarded as the authoritative work ...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875521121
Direct Price $39.99 $30.00

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Reformed Expository Commentary 20-Volume New Testament Set

This set includes the following 19 volumes:  Matthew (2-Volumes) Luke (2-Volumes) John (2-Volumes) Romans 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians & Philemon 1 &...

Format Hardcover
Direct Price $780.83 $506.99
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Reformed Expository Commentary 17 Volume Old Testament Set

This set includes the following 17 volumes:  Genesis, 2-Volume Set 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings Esther & Ruth Ezra & Nehemiah Psalms 42–72 Psalms 73–106 Ecc...

Format Hardcover
Direct Price $633.84 $412.99
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Reformed Expository Commentary 37-Volume Full Set

This set includes the following 37 volumes:  Genesis (2-Volumes) 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings Esther & Ruth Ezra & Nehemiah Psalms 42–72 Psalms 73–106 Eccle...

Format Hardcover
Direct Price $1,414.67 $918.99
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