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Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Delivered 250 years ago, this is the most famous sermon ever preached in the history of America. Far more than a depiction of the punishments of hell, it is a call to personal salvation t...

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ISBN 9780875522333
Direct Price $4.99 $4.00

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Sociology Faithful Learning

Does human behavior intrigue you? Are you interested in what’s going on in the world and society? Do you like to sit and watch a busy street? If so, you have the potential to see th...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596387201
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Direct Price $4.99 $1.10

Solid Ground The Inerrant Word of God in an Errant World

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This is a book about the Book. Not just a book, but the Book—the Word of God written, the only infallible rule of truth and practice for our lives. Sadly that distinction is necessa...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596384033
Direct Price $13.99 $10.50

Song of Songs

To many of us, Song of Songs is a puzzling book. Often we’re not sure whether we should read it as romantic poetry or as allegory, and an answer either way raises new questions. Why...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781596389489
Direct Price $29.99 $22.50

The Song of Songs

These eight sermons became a landmark in Rev. Williamson’s preaching ministry to his congregation and are presented here as a source of blessing to others.  “In my early ...

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ISBN 9781629957968
Availability: 28 in stock
Direct Price $9.99 $7.50

Song of Songs Friendship on Fire, A 13-Lesson Study

Don’t fear this book! Song of Songs is an instructive yet appropriately modest depiction of the love between a man and a woman—and a beautiful picture of Christ’s love f...

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ISBN 9781629959337
Direct Price $11.99 $9.00

Songs in the Night How God Transforms Our Pain to Praise

“Always preach to broken hearts and you will never lack for a congregation,” an old saying goes. And for that reason, this book is for everyone—because there are many, m...

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ISBN 9781596382213
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Sons in the Son The Riches and Reach of Adoption in Christ

This book is only available via print on demand. A minimum order of 5 copies is required. To place an order, please email or call 1-800-631-009...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629950723
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Price $32.99

Speaking the Truth in Love The Theology of John M. Frame

edited by John J. Hughes

Speaking the Truth in Love: The Theology of John M. Frame is a festschrift honoring Professor Frame’s career in seminary teaching and publishing. Unlike many festschrifts, this book...

Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781596381643
Direct Price $59.99 $45.00

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Spreading the Feast Instruction and Meditations for Ministry at the Lord's Table

In this practical book for those who serve the Lord’s Supper, Howard Griffith provides an understanding of the sacrament and twenty-eight pastoral meditations that span both the Old...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629951768
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50