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Partners in the Gospel 50 Meditations for Pastors’ and Elders’ Wives

Being the wife of a pastor or an elder is a joy—and a challenge. These devotional meditations encourage and equip wives of church leaders by pointing them to the Word of God for ref...

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ISBN 9781629957401
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Passions of the Heart Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sins

Enticed by rage, sensuality, or pride, anyone can become caught up in previously unimaginable acts. Experienced biblical counselor John Street takes a hard look at the heart idolatri...

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ISBN 9781629954028
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Pastor-Evangelist Preacher, Model, and Mobilizer for Church Growth

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ISBN 9780875522791
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Pastors and Their Critics A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry

Every pastor knows what it’s like to be criticized. But how does he respond? And how does he offer constructive criticism of his own?  With wisdom, charity, and a wealth of per...

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ISBN 9781629957524
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Patience Waiting with Hope

Do you dread being forced to wait? Does a summons to patience sound like a call to bitter endurance? It’s not. This neglected virtue is the powerful and diligent practice of godline...

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ISBN 9781629958118
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The Pattern of Sound Doctrine Systematic Theology at the Westminster Seminaries: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Strimple

edited by David VanDrunen

The Westminster seminaries have played a crucial role in the development of systematic theology for the past three-quarters of a century. This four-part volume examines the contributions ...

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ISBN 9780875527178
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Paul Pioneer for Israel's Messiah

This detailed yet eminently readable description of Paul’s life clearly shows that all sources converge to present a pioneer life: adventurous, unpredictable, nonlinear, full of ris...

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ISBN 9780875526485
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Pauline Eschatology

The foreword describes this book as "a classic of unprecedented insight into the structure of Paul's theology." Vos's basic thesis is that to unfold Paul's eschatology is to set forth his...

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ISBN 9780875525051
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Perfect Unity A Guide for Christian Doctrine and Life

The world is tearing itself apart over identity politics. What is the answer? Recognizing that two things can be distinct yet inseparable.  This concept—rooted in the writing...

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ISBN 9781629958552
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Perfectionism Pursuing Excellence with Wisdom

When do high standards become enslaving rather than God-glorifying? Lou Priolo explores several definitions of perfectionism to give a full-orbed, biblically nuanced picture. Using thirty...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629957173
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