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Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault (1926–1984) Hugely influential, Michel Foucault’s work has not only impacted a diverse range of disciplines—from history and sociology to fine arts, fem...

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ISBN 9781629953489
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Midnight Mercies Walking with God through Depression in Motherhood

Are you a mother who feels stuck in depression? You’re not the only Christian woman who knows what this darkness is like. When feelings of hopelessness, weariness, sadness, anger, a...

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ISBN 9781629958842
Direct Price $17.99 $13.50

Mighty to Save Discovering God's Grace in the Miracles of Jesus

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ISBN 9780875521138
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Price $29.99

Ministries of Mercy, Third Edition The Call of the Jericho Road

Why would someone risk his safety, upend his schedule, deplete his bank balance, and become dirty and bloody to help a person of another race and social class? And why would Jesus tell us...

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ISBN 9781596389557
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Misericordia en la oscuridad Caminando con Dios a través de la depresión en la maternidad

No hablamos lo suficiente sobre las madres cuya felicidad se ha desvanecido: mujeres que viven en un mundo que parece oscuro y sin color. Hay muchas mujeres que se sienten de esta manera,...

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ISBN 9798887790855
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The Modern Search for the Real Jesus An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospel Criticism

Critical scholars have increasingly questioned the reliability of the Gospels, voicing doubts as to what, if anything, we can know about the historical Jesus. But are the critics as objec...

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ISBN 9780875524559
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Modesty More Than a Change of Clothes

Modesty might seem like a “gray area,” but it should matter to us because it matters to God! In the Bible, immodesty is forbidden for reasons that go beyond mere outward appea...

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ISBN 9781629950815
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Money, Debt, and Finances Critical Questions and Answers

In an accessible Q&A format, biblical counselor and former financial consultant Jim Newheiser presents financial wisdom that is grounded in faithful biblical exegesis and rooted in so...

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ISBN 9781629954370
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Money Seeking God's Wisdom

Do you have money troubles? Often the underlying issue is not money but the promise of security, possessions, and pleasure that it brings. To lay a strong foundation for true financial su...

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ISBN 9781629954974
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