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Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin?

Super Bargain Price : $4.99 $1.00
Format: Paperback
Availability: 2 in stock
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781596386808
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Publication Date 08/16/13

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Why do Christians hold so strongly to Christ’s virgin birth as a significant doctrine? Can it be discarded from its key position in our faith? Crowe looks at seven objections to the virgin birth and investigates the relevant biblical texts.

Written to equip and strengthen laypeople in their defense of the faith, Christian Answers to Hard Questions challenges contemporary opposition to Christianity with concise, practical answers.

The Author

Brandon D. Crowe

Brandon D. Crowe

Brandon D. Crowe (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Edinburgh) is associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary and Book Review Editor for the Westminster Theological Journal.